Selling your house is a big commitment and one you should only make when you are truly ready. Do yourself a favor and make sure you know for sure if you are ready to put your house on the market. If any of these three things apply to you, you probably aren’t as ready as you thought.
- You think your home is worth more than the prices being asked- You paid a lot for your house so it is no surprise that you’d like to make more than you put into your house. Sadly property tends to go down in value as time goes by.
- You believe buyers should fix the parts of your house that needs work- Most buyers do not want to repair damages in your house. Get repairs done to increase the amount of buyers interested.
- You believe you don’t need any help selling your home- Research shows than only about 15% of people are successful when selling their own home. If you are really ready to put your house on the market you won’t be afraid to ask for help from a knowledgeable real estate professional.
Located in Hermosa Beach California, Brighton Escrow can help you with the buying and selling of your home. Contact us today for more information.