Finding ways to reduce your monthly energy bills can save you hundreds of dollars each year, possibly more depending on your area’s climate and the type of resources you use to heat and cool your home.
Here are some invaluable and easy-to-do tips to help you save on energy costs throughout the year:
- Turning your thermostat down to 58 or 59 degrees at night while you are asleep may reduce a natural gas heating bill by as much as eight percent
- Replace old faucet aerators and showerheads with energy efficient ones that decrease water usage by nearly 50 percent without affecting water pressure
- Use almost 80 percent less electricity by switching to LED lights if you are currently using halogen incandescent bulbs
- Installing window air conditioners on the shadiest side of your home where minimal sunlight strikes the units can potentially save you $200 or more a year on summer cooling bills
- Instead of plugging TVs and digital equipment into wall sockets, use power strips that allow you to easily turn them all off when not using them. Standby consumption of appliances that are "off" but still plugged in equals the power utilized by a shining, 100 watt bulb
Start lowering your energy bill today by discovering even more ways to reduce energy use in your home.