When you are trying to find the right neighborhood in California, you need to follow a few simple tips to learn more about the area. The goal in the search is finding a friendly area that allows you to get around easily and enjoy your local area.
Look at Walkability Scores
The first consideration is whether you can walk in the area or a car is a necessity. The best neighborhoods will have a high walkability score on websites related to real estate. Take your time to look at the options before you select an area.
Do a Drive Through
Take time to drive through the neighborhoods you are considering. Look at the sidewalks and roads first. If they are well-maintained, then consider the cleanliness. The best neighborhoods are well-maintained and clean.
Talk to Locals
Take a moment to talk to others in the neighborhood. Find out the average age and ask questions about families. Talking is a good way to determine if the area is appropriate for personal goals.
Before you look for a home, take the time to narrow down the best neighborhoods. To learn more about finding the right area to live in California, contact Brighton Escrow.