Keep More Of Your Own Money When Buying Your House
The concept of saving money when you are getting ready to shell out for one of the largest purchases you have likely ever made might seem a little backwards. In fact, though, there are a number of ways you can ensure you end up with the most money possible in your pocket when you get the keys to your new house. Here are a few ways you can save during the real estate process.
- Go To Class: If you are a first-time home buyer, you can take an online class from Fannie Mae. Upon completion, you will receive a certificate that makes you eligible to have the mortgage giant cover your closing costs. Yes, you read that right. By taking a course, you can save thousands of dollars!
- Talk To The Seller: Do you need a new sofa, refrigerator, or washer and dryer to fill out your new home? Negotiate with your seller for theirs. There is always a chance they do not want to have to move them, so you could get very competitive pricing from them.
- Save For Your Down Payment: This might seem like a no-duh tip, but saving to hit the twenty percent mark on your down payment can help you avoid having to pay for private mortgage insurance over the life of your loan.
To round out these savings with competitive pricing on all of your required escrow services, contact Brighton Escrow in Hermosa Beach. We are here to ensure that closing on your California home does not become another major expense to tack on during your home buying process. To connect with a team of escrow officers who can advise you on the most cost effective way to close on your house, call us today.