Young adults coming out of college are more talented than ever. With careers focused on forwarding technology, college graduates are always thinking ahead, and there doesn’t seem to be much that they can’t do. But can these talented millennials own a home?
Studies show that only 36 percent of young adults aged 35 or younger are able to own a home. Piled with college debt, the price of down payment seems to be too much for these go getters.
There also seems to be a large decline in the building of new homes as building tools begin to get more expensive and it becomes difficult to find land to build on. Because of these factors many young adults are being forced to either rent property or live at home with their parents.
There is still hope for young millennials hoping to buy a home. Saving and cutting back on unneeded expenses can help with affording a down payment. Now is the best time to learn about budgeting so you can fund your brand new home.
Brighton Escrow located in Heromsa Beach California wants to help with the buying and selling of your home. Contact us today for more information.