Keep Halloween from getting too scary with these home safety tips.
Halloween is less than two weeks away! You’re probably putting a decent amount of time and energy towards getting your kids’ costumes put together, carving your pumpkins, and collecting enough candy to hand out to the trick-or-treaters who will knock at your door on the holiday.
So you and your family can enjoy the festivities with just the right amount of spookiness and no real scares, add these home safety tips to your Halloween preparations.
- Light Right. Candles are all well and good inside your home in the proper receptacles, but they can present a serious hazard out on your porch. Instead, light your jack o’lanterns with battery-operated tea lights. Also, prevent trick-or-treaters from tripping on the way to your home by making sure all pathways are well lit. If they’re not, inexpensive solar-powered path lights can do the trick!
- Park Your Pet. Your furry family member is likely to be pretty excited by all the hustle and bustle at your front door over the course of Halloween. Make sure he or she doesn’t hurt anyone (including him or herself) by creating a safe, comfortable space blocked away from your front door.
- Trick-or-Treat Trail. If your older children will be heading out on their own to trick-or-treat, sit down with them and mark out a path in advance. This benefits everyone, since it will give you peace of mind and help them avoid wasting time in parts of town that won’t have candy. Also, set a curfew time for when your kids have to be home.
Happy Halloween from the whole team at Brighton Escrow! Contact our dedicated staff of escrow officers for all of your escrow services needs in Hermosa Beach and throughout Southern California.