Getting Yourself—And Your Home—Market Ready
When you first entered into the real estate game, you likely prepared thoroughly for becoming a first-time homeowner. You did your homework, got yourself ready, and made sure every t was crossed and i dotted. Now, as you prepare to sell your home, you may feel that because you are so much more experienced you do not need to go through every step to get ready to make the sale. While your increased wisdom will definitely serve you well in selling your home, a few to-dos can set you up for success. To help you, here is some advice for selling your home.
- Check Your Credit: Unless you have plans to sell your home and become a wanderer, you will need to find a new home. Make sure you are not surprised when you go to buy a home by checking your credit report in advance.
- Ballpark Your Budget: If you have determined how much you would like to pay for your new home, make sure that number will still be viable for you after closing costs, the appraisal and inspection fees. Ask your real estate agent for guidance on how much those extra expenses should total up to.
- Do Your Homework: Do not let yourself be surprised by bad financial news when you have a buyer on the line and you get your home inspected. Make sure you have gathered all of the necessary information including HOA requirements and the necessary inspections in advance.
- Do Your Home’s Work: Before you put your home on the market, invest to get it in tip-top shape. Touch up paint and take on any other minor remodels that will get your home looking its best.
When you are ready to sell your home, contact the escrow experts at Brighton Escrow in Hermosa Beach, California. We have the expert escrow services to make sure your finances are in order so selling your home will be a breeze.