Save Money On Your House, Car & Education
You likely find yourself wishing life could cost just a little bit less. While it is one thing to shave a few bucks off of your grocery bill, the areas in which you are probably really hoping to save are the big three: your house, your car, and your family’s education. To help you on the path to saving money, we want to offer these ways to save on your house, car, and education.
- House: When home buying, it pays to get preapproved for your mortgage so you can know exactly how much how you can afford. Work with a local real estate agent to get a feel for the local market, and do not be afraid of short sales and foreclosure sales as they can help you find affordable housing.
- Car: If you are thinking of buying your next car, wait until local dealerships are running a special (Memorial Day is the perfect opportunity!) to buy in order to lock in the lowest price. Buying used can also help you skip out on the huge depreciation in value new cars experience the moment they are driven off the lot. Then, be as aggressive as possible with your car payments to save on interest over time.
- Education: There are loads of scholarships that are not being fully utilized. Do your homework to see what free money is available to you! Start at a community college to knock out your general classes for less money, then choose federal loans over private to minimize your interest rate.
We hope these tips are helpful! If you are hoping to cut costs when you need escrow services, contact Brighton Escrow. We are mindful of your budget and can help you get the services you need at a cost you can afford. We serve families in Hermosa Beach and the rest of California and are here for you!